African mango

What is African mango?

A tree called African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) is indigenous to the tropical forests of West Africa. It is also known as bush mango, wild mango, and dika nut. The fruit has greenish-yellow skin, a fibrous pulp, and a big, hard seed (2, 3).

It should not be confused with the common mango (Mangifera indica) (4).

In Nigerian and Cameroonian cuisine, the pulp and seed of the African mango are used to make traditional soups, sauces, juice, wine, jam, jelly, and flavoring (3, 5, 6, 7, 8). As with many tropical fruits, its pulp is high in vitamin C and carotenoid antioxidants (7).

The African mango tree has long been utilized in traditional medicine. The leaves, roots, and particularly the bark (in the form of a paste) are used by local tribes to treat scabs and skin pain (2).

The extract of the fruit’s large seed has been of particular interest in research because of its potential health benefits.


Nutritional Value of African Mango

African mango is a highly nutritious fruit that offers a variety of health benefits. Each 100 grams of the fruit contains:

86 calories

1 gram of protein

0.4 grams of fat, mainly from myristic and lauric acids

18 grams of carbohydrates

Vitamin C equivalent to 62% of the Daily Dietary Requirement

Additionally, African mango is a rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium. It is also high in soluble fiber and contains numerous antioxidants and plant proteins. The fruit is known to contain 41 phenolic compounds, including flavonols, tannins, and ellagic acid.

African Mango for Weight Loss

African mango supplements for weight loss have gained popularity worldwide, and they are typically made from the extract derived from the seed of the fruit. Unlike the fleshy portion of the fruit, the seed is believed to contain powerful nutrients that can aid in melting away belly fat and reducing the waistline.

These weight loss supplements are available in the market in various forms, including powdered, liquid, and capsules. The high nutritional value of the African mango extract makes it an ideal supplement for weight loss. African mango can benefit weight loss in several ways, such as:

  1. Boosts Metabolism

The rate at which fats are burned in the body is referred to as the metabolism rate. When the metabolism rate is slow, fats tend to accumulate over time, which is a common problem for obese individuals. However, adiponectin, a hormone released by the body’s fat cells, plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s metabolism rate. African mango extract is known to increase adiponectin levels, which in turn enhances metabolic activity, helping the body to burn fat at a faster rate. As the number of calories burned exceeds the number consumed, the body begins to lose weight.

  1. Suppresses Appetite

Weight gain is closely linked to calorie consumption, and the level of the hormone leptin in the body regulates our appetite. People who are overweight often have reduced sensitivity to leptin, which can cause them to overeat. This means they consume more food than their body needs. However, African mango extract aids in the formation and regulation of leptin, which can help to suppress appetite.

  1. Keeps the Stomach Full

African mango extract is abundant in soluble fiber, which has the ability to remain in the stomach for a longer period, thus slowing down the emptying of the stomach. This results in a reduction in appetite. When calorie intake decreases, the body utilizes stored fats to generate energy, resulting in weight loss.

  1. Puts the Body into Thermogenesis

African mango extract promotes thermogenesis, a metabolic process that increases the body’s core temperature. This process facilitates the burning of body fat while preserving muscle mass and strength.

  1. Increases Energy

African mango is a fruit that is rich in nutrients. It can provide the body with the necessary nutrition to keep it active and agile throughout the day. When a person feels energetic, they are more likely to engage in regular exercise and workouts, and avoid sedentary lifestyle habits. These changes in lifestyle habits can contribute to maintaining a healthy body weight.


The extract from the African mango fruit is highly sought after for its weight loss benefits and rich nutrient content. However, like any other weight loss supplement, it may have side effects, and it is essential to consult a medical professional before taking it.

It is also important to be cautious of companies that sell low-quality or counterfeit African mango supplements. When purchasing, carefully read the ingredient details on the packaging to ensure efficacy and strength. Poor quality supplements can lead to toxic reactions.

It’s essential to understand that African mango supplements are not a magical solution on their own. They can only provide results when combined with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.

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